Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
5000 years of religion in 90 seconds

Sunday, October 17, 2010
RSA Animate - Sir Ken Robinson on changing paradigms

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The site invites the public to dig out, upload and pin their own old photos, as well as the stories behind them, onto the Historypin map. Uniquely, Historypin allows users to layer their old images onto modern Street View scenes, revealing a series of windows into the past."
Monday, October 4, 2010
Ultra High-Resolution Images of Famous Paintings

In contrast to the “gallery view” afforded by the online Monet exhibit (in which you can see individual brushstrokes wonderfully), these images are more like a “conservator’s view”, allowing you to zoom in to a level as if observed under a magnifying lens.
You need to be patient with the image as it loads, but once loaded, the interface is remarkably responsive as you zoom. The images are watermarked, but that’s a small quibble considering what they are offering, and you can work around the watermarks by altering the magnification level and scrolling a bit."
Thursday, September 30, 2010
L.A. Latino Book & Family Festival at Cal State L.A. Oct. 10-11

The festival’s “stories” sessions will explore literature emanating from borders, barrios and families. Various workshops will focus on writing screenplays, illustrating books and magazines, working with editors and agents, andwriting novels. Panel sessions will include “The Best of Latino Mystery,” “Latino L.A.: The City of Angels through Poetry, Journalism and Fiction,”and “The Positive Effects of Mariachi on the Education of Hispanic Youth.”
Monday, September 20, 2010
Inside Lascaux: Rare, Unpublished
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Downloadable Constitution Day Lessons from We the People
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My Vote Student Mock Election
Secretary of State Debra Bowen and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell are holding the 2010 MyVote California Student Mock Election to help high school and middle school students discover the importance of elections and the power of their votes in our democracy.
Working with the California Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, the MyVote California Student Mock Election gives students a chance to make their voices heard on the candidates and issues that affect them and their families, while an exciting election season is in full-swing. Once the votes are counted, students can compare their choices to those of their peers around the state, and then to the decisions made by adult voters in the statewide election held only a few days later.
The 2010 Student Mock Election will be held on Tuesday, October 26, 2010. High school and middle school students will have their say on who they think should be our next Governor and U.S. Senator, and on the ballot measures that will come before California voters in the November 2, 2010, General Election.
In 2008, more than 275,000 students from over 644 schools cast ballots in the MyVote California Student Mock Presidential Election. They joined millions of young mock election voters in other states in an impressive display of student opinion on the candidates and issues affecting the future of our state and nation. This year, Secretary of State Debra Bowen and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell are inviting students, teachers, parents, school administrators and other education stakeholders to build on that historic groundswell of interest in voting.
With your involvement and support, many more students will take their first steps on the path to becoming lifelong voters as participants in the 2010 MyVote California Student Mock Election."
Constitution Game
September is Hispanic Heritage Month
Monday, April 12, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Sistine Chapel Virtual Tour

Under the patronage of Pope Julius II, Michelangelo painted 12,000 square feet of the chapel ceiling between 1508 and 1512. Today the ceiling, and especially The Last Judgement, are widely believed to be Michelangelo's crowning achievements in painting.
Take an incredible Virtual Tour of the Sistine Chapel."
Presidential Documentaries
Monday, March 1, 2010
U. S. Census Bureau - It's About Us Census in Schools

"The 2010 Census — a count of everyone living in the United States — is fast approaching! Census questionnaires will be mailed or delivered to every household in the United States in March 2010.
We are working on lesson plans, maps, teaching guides, and other informational materials to help teachers and students learn about the importance of the Census.
Visit often to keep up with the latest information and materials available from Census in Schools and the 2010 Census."http://www.census.gov/schools/
100 Video Sites Every Educator Should Bookmark
100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scholars
Monday, January 11, 2010
Periodic Assessment Data
L.A.U.S.D. History/Social Science Website
The goal of teaching history/social science is to prepare our students to be informed and responsible members of a diverse democratic society. If students are to understand and participate successfully in local, national, and international events it is crucial that they possess a solid background in history and the social sciences. We must provide our students with opportunities to think critically, to develop an informed opinion, to research a topic effectively, to express their ideas both orally and in writing, and to listen to others who believe differently than themselves.
Our charge is to fundamentally improve the interaction between the teacher and the student and to create critical thinkers prepared to participate in a diverse and complex society. "
America I Am Exhibit

"America I Am: The African American Imprint celebrates nearly 500 years of African American contributions to our country and the world. Through artifacts, multimedia, and programs, visitors explore the influence and innovations of African Americans."
100 Incredible & Educational Virtual Tours You Don’t Want to Miss
Harper's Weekly Newspapers from the Civil War

"We Believe that the most exciting way to study the Civil War, is to watch the war unfold on the pages of Original Harper's Weekly Newspapers. Harper's Weekly was the most popular newspaper during the Civil War, and it featured stunning illustrations, and in depth stories on all the important people and events of the war. Below, for your research and enjoyment, we present this work in progress. Presently 1861 through 1864 are completed, and the 1865 issues through May are complete."
